A time to celebrate A2D students and their hard work. A time to give back to the community. A time to celebrate A2D and help them grow!

Participants at the event will be served a hot cup of soup in a handmade ceramic bowl of their choosing. They will also get to see and hear from the students about the students service projects, who and what A2D is and participate in a live dessert auction, STEAM raffle, and online auction.

The beginning of this Gala is our students final service project. Students have hand made 300 bowls for the Empty Bowls Project. A portion of the ticket sales to this event go towards the fight against hunger by donating funds to “Good in the Hood” a local nonprofit that helps to provide food shelves with in the Twin Cities area.

“A bowl is most useful when it is empty because the possibilities for its use are endless. An empty bowl can be used to eat any sort of meal, hold supplies for an art or work project, be used for decorative purposes, or can be used as a digging tool for gardening. An empty bowl has endless potential–“

The second part of this Gala is desginated to celebrate the work of A2D Academy. Students, families and staff will present about how A2D has impacted their lives and the hard work that is happening at A2D Academy. Participants can bid on dessert, and enter the STEAM raffle.

If you can not make the event but would still like to participate make sure to check out our online Auction!

Or scan this QR code to buy tickets from your mobile device: