About Us


A2D Academy works to inspire lifelong learning, creative thinking and the love for learning through active play, hands-on learning and creation of the arts through accessible programming for all.

Our Story

A2D Academy is a non-profit organization named after Allison and Alex Deme. High school sweethearts who have a passion for raising up, encouraging and mentoring students in education and the arts.

Allison has known since she was about 5 years old that she wanted to be a teacher. Her parents recognized and fostered this ability in her by introducing her to many different teaching opportunities. She went on to get her bachelors and masters in Elementary Education. Alex found his passion later in life. He fell in love with all things ceramic his senior year of high school and went to college to get his bachelor’s degree in art. Together, Allison and Alex want to create a program that mentors and supports students in different career paths at a young age.

Allison’s favorite classes were always math and science while Alex’s were the arts. We invite you to indulge in our passions and find your own as you become part of our A2D family by participating in one of our after school classes, in studio tutoring, Kids Night Out or Artist Workshops.

Our Beliefs

Group Activities and Play

Play is an essential part of growing and expanding young learners’ lives. Play teaches cooperation, independence, problem solving, expands imagination, creativity and promotes learning in a non threatening way. The studio is an active learning environment. Even in the upper primary grades, children use a lot of hands-on experiences.

A mixed-age classroom

Our program houses K-3 together. Our multi-aged classes provide an atmosphere of collaboration, cooperation and built in role models with plenty of experience to draw from. Through peer mentorship students learn from one another, whether this be from peers in their own age group or in younger or older age groups. Younger children can learn through observing the behaviors of older students and their activities and older students have the unique opportunity to gain self-confidence, responsibility and leadership skills. Because the curriculum is individualized, learning is not defined by age or grade. Students work at their own pace to develop important skills. This notion is supported by letting students work above grade level standards, working at different levels in different subjects and gaining support for areas of growth.

Empowered by choice and child centered

Each learner is a unique individual. Creating a learning model that best supports each child is key to success. Students have the freedom to move and choose activities that are interesting to them. This fosters independence, self-confidence and self-awareness. You will often see the teacher down on the student’s level asking questions to deepen learning instead of in front of a white board at the front of the classroom.  Each child will receive individual attention from his/her teachers and be helped to grow to the maximum he/she is able.

Whole Child Education

We care about the whole child because of this we believe that a strong relationship between student and teacher and between students is important. It is hard for learning to take place when a child is not feeling safe in their surroundings. Some days learning may focus on social and emotional growth versus academic growth, depending on what the learner is showing that they need.

Board of Directors

As a nonprofit organization, A2D Academy relies on a volunteer Board of Directors to help with long-term planning, operations and project prioritization and management. Our Board, which is made up of parents and educators, helps to ensure our learning center works smoothly to meet its mission. The Board of A2D Academy works to ensure the ongoing stability and sustainability of the organization.

Allison Deme– President

Justin Kasmiskie– Secretary and Treasurer


Eden Flaa– Board Member

Abby Bried – Board Member

Kevin Kasmiskie– Board Member