
After School Classes:

Explorer’s Club

(Grades K-5)

Explorer’s Club is our after school care that is two sided. It offers students an opportunity to relax and unwind after school while hanging out with friends. It also offers a focus class time in which students are expanding their learning through art, coding/typing, steam challenges and nature exploration. Explorers Club is broken into 5 terms. Each term has a special theme in which students will learn about. Once a term outside speakers and presenters will come into each of the four focus classes to teach a special class. At the end of each term, families are invited into exhibition night to see, experience and learn about what their students have been doing during Explorers Club. Enrollment is a year contract and students may choose to attend two days a week or more. Students are bussed directly from their respective Edina schools to A2D Academy and snacks are provided daily.

Monday- Friday
2:30-4:30 pm

Extended Day M-Th


Monday– Science Focus

Tuesday– Technology Focus

Wednesday– Engineering Focus

Thursday– Art Focus

Friday- Maker Space

 Term Themes: What is STEAM?, Around the World, Service Projects, Entrepreneurs and Sharing the Planet

Homework Helpers

(Grades 3-6)

Homework Helpers offers a time for students to get help with their homework from a licensed teacher and practice what they are learning in school outside of the school day.

Don’t understand a problem on your homework assignment or need an extra explanation before a test? Need someone to help complete a project or read over a paper? Drop in to get help from a licensed teacher!

Students will be able to work together, independently or guided by a licensed teacher. During this academic practice time students will receive support in areas of growth and be challenged with new engaging material. 

Monday- Thursday
5:00-6:00 pm

Homework Helpers is a DROP IN option. No need to make a reservation, simple come during that hour window on a day that you need help!

The Hive

(Grades K-5)

The Hive Program follows that of its namesake, it offers a place that is collaborative, cooperative and works towards a common goal. The Hive is taught by licensed and experienced elementary education teachers who have a passion for helping students reach their full potential. It is a collaborative environment between teacher, parent and student to create the best learning journey possible for each individual student.

Tuesday- Thursday
9:00am-1:00 pm

Drop Off- Homeschool Hybrid Program– 




Word Study


Community Building through lunch and Recess

Artist Workshops

(Ages 3- Adult)

Dive into the arts by experiencing different styles of art, from creating pottery, to creating culinary cuisines to learning to sew or learning a dance. Our art classes are taught by local artists who want to share their unique skills and passion for the arts!

1st Saturday of the Month
10:00am -12:00 pm

Class themes, ages, and class times are announced the month prior to the workshop on our website and social media.

Kids Night Out

(Ages 3- 11)

Grab a friend and come to KNO for an evening of fun and friends. Eat pizza, create a craft or do a science experiment, play games, and enjoy activities based on the KNO monthly theme!

2nd Saturday of the Month

KNO themes are announced the month prior to the event on our website and social media.

Maker Space Days

(Grades K- 5th)

Get creative and enjoy hands-on learning outside of the classroom! 
Maker Space Days  are designed to be hands on keep the students problem solving on non school Days. In the morning students are presented with a problem and they have to come up with a solution. Each  session will have a special theme and learning objective. The materials in which students solve these problems are changed for each session.  Students are given the afternoon to be creative and design whatever they want using materials in our Maker Space area. 

Offered on select out of school days


Non-School Day Workshops for Grades K-5 

Class themes are announced the month prior to the workshop on our website and social media.

Summer Day Camps

(Rising Kindergartners-5th graders)

Keep your brain thinking through out the summer with our themed day camps! Each camp has hands on learning investigations from dissecting an eye ball in “Inside Out” camp or completing tasks to escape the classroom in a scavenger hunt during our “Mazes and Maps” camp. 

Camps will run from the week of June 3- August 12 (no camps offered the week of July 1st).  

Families can choose what their camp experience looks like. Interested in just one morning session? Great! Looking to stay all day? Great! Wanting to spend all summer at A2D? Great! We have options for all camp experiences! 

Discovery Day Camp AM/PM


8:30am-1:00pm or 1:00pm-4:00pm

Summer Discovery Program

Monday- Thursday


June 3-6
Fun in the Sun (AM)
Messy Art (PM)

June 10-13 
Edible Science (AM)Kitchen Explosion (PM) 

June 17-20 
Kinder Kamp (AM)
Plant Magic(AM)
Tangled Yarn (PM) 

June 24-27 
Mini Golf (AM)
Myths & Legends (PM) 

July 1-4 NO CAMPS

July 8-11 
Time Travel (AM) 
Construction of the World (PM) 

July 15-18
Spy Camp (AM)
Kinder Kamp (AM)
Medieval Times (PM)

July 22-25 
Amusement Parks (AM)
Ancient Tech (PM) 

July 29- Aug 1
Camp Bigfoot (AM) 
Space Explorers (PM) 

August 5-8 
Kinder Kamp (AM) 
Under the Sea (AM)
Fractured Fairytales (PM) 

August 12-15 
Explosive Science (AM)
Worlds of Wizardry (PM)

Descriptions of each camp theme can be found with in the parent portal under the classes option.

Disclaimer: the programs at A2D Academy are not licensed or supervised by the state of Minnesota and is not eligible to receive child care assistance payments.